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Leader Training



All new leaders need to take the following: (none of these trainings expire, you only need to take each once)



New Leader Orientation

This is a 2 hour webinar run by GSCSNJ. It is offered several times per week in the fall and less often the rest of the year. Search for available dates here.




Service Unit Orientation

About 2 hours, held locally and led by a Service Team Member of Hopewell Valley GS. This will introduce you to your local support network and goes over local procedures. Email to schedule.


In addition, new leaders and leaders "moving up" should review the online resource guide for their level. These guides can be found on the Council website here. PLEASE take time to review these!


Questions about training should be directed to Heidi W.




Optional Overnight & Camp Training

To take your girls on Overnight Trips and Camping Trips, you will need the following trainings. These trainings do not expire. 



OD102 - Overnight Adventures


This is a 3 hour class led by a GSCSNJ Trainer. After completing this training, you are certified to take your girls on overnight trips held indoors, such as a lock in at a local church or a museum.  **UPDATE: THIS CLASS IS NO LONGER REQUIRED BUT IT IS HIGHLY RECOMMENDED. Email if you are interested.**




OD103 - Outdoor Skills Prep & Overnight


This is a two-part course. Part 1 is a 2 hour session which you take online. Council emails you instructions about 2 weeks before Part 2. You must pass 2 tests in order to attend the second portion.


 Part 2 is a day long training which covers a variety of topics, including policies/procedures, knife safety, knots, flag ceremonies and outdoor cooking.


The overnight trainings offered in the fall and spring, which can be found on the Events Calendar of GSCSNJ. Just scroll down the list to find the available dates. If you want to take your girls camping, but can't get trained in time, please reach out to the Service Unit, there may be a trained leader who can help you out!


Link for Training Events Currently Running Here


Please note that different councils have different policies about renewing Outdoor Training. Girl Scouts of Eastern Pennsylvania (GSEP) requires that your camp training is less than 5 years old. If your training was more than 5 years ago, you may renew it via a home study test which GSEP can provide.



Online Webinars for Specific Topics


Check out our Webinar Training page to view webinars covering a wide variety of issues leaders may encounter in leading their troop.


First Aid Training & Certification


Almost all activities (see Safety Activity Checkpoints for exceptions) must have at least one Certified First Aider present. We recommend that your troop has multiple Certified First Aiders, so that if your regular First Aider is not able to attend, someone can fill in. Anyone can take a First Aid/CPR Course to become a Certified First Aider. Hopewell Valley Girl Scouts organizes a couple of local trainings every year thorough the Pennington Rescue Squad. There is a fee involved, usually around $30 - $50 depending on the number of participants. Please contact our First Aid Coordinator, Roxanne Clark to inquire about the next local training. 


The following licensed professionals qualify as "Certified First Aiders" without any additional training: Physicians, Physician's Assistants, RNs, LPNs, Dentists, Paramedics, Miltary Medics, and EMTs.


If you will be taking a class from an outside agency, make sure the agency is approved by GSCSNJ. On-line only course are NOT acceptable. Approved agencies include American Heart Association, American Red Cross, American Safety & Heath Institute (ASHI). The course must cover both adult and child First Aid & CPR. Certifications last two years, and you must repeat the training to renew.


Once your training is complete, email a copy of your card (both sides) to  We will keep it on file for all of your trip requests.

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Hopewell Valley Girl Scouts

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GSCSNJ Service Unit 701 

P.O. Box 844

Pennington, NJ 08534

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